German Cockroach (Blattella germanica)
Colour Light brown to tan
Size From 13 mm to 16 mm long as adults. Immature or young can be as small as a few mm long.
Description Have long, wide, and flat bodies, with six legs and two long antennae protruding from the head. They also have two dark longitudinal lines on the shield behind their head.
Notes They are not able to fly.
German Cockroach Ootheca (Egg Capsule)
German Cockroach Nymph
Oriental Cockroach (Blatta orientalis)
Colour Very dark brown, almost black, with a greasy sheen
Size From 25 mm to 32 mm long
Description Males have wings which cover about 75% of their abdomen. Females have functionless, rudimentary wing pads and broader, heavier bodies.
Notes Cannot fly and move quite slowly compared to other cockroaches.
American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
Colour Reddish-brown
Size From 28 mm to 43 mm long
Description Have long, flat, wide bodies, with six legs, two long antennae protruding from the head, and a light-brown/yellow band on their thorax.
Notes Are among the fastest running insects in the world, travelling up to 50 body lengths per second, and able to fly short distances.
Treating cockroaches starts with identification and sanitation. It is important to reduce potential food and water sources to optimize the impact of treatment methods. Food spills such as grease have been proven to reduce insecticide potential. Each case is different and may include a combination of baits, insecticide powders, and liquids.